2025 Georgia Scientific Computing Symposium

February 8, 2025

Clough 144, Georgia Tech

Hosted by School of Math at Georgia Tech


The Georgia Scientific Computing Symposium (GSCS) is a forum for professors, postdocs, graduate students and other researchers in Georgia to meet in an informal setting, to exchange ideas, and to highlight local scientific computing research. Established in 2009, this annual symposium welcomes participants from the broader research community. The event features a day-long program of invited talks, lightning presentations and ample opportunities for networking and collaboration.

Plenary Speakers
Julianne Chung

Julianne Chung
Emory University

Russell Jeter

Russell Jeter
Georgia State University

João M. Pereira

João M. Pereira
University of Georgia

Raphaël Pestourie

Raphaël Pestourie
Georgia Tech CSE
Wei Zhu
Georgia Tech Math


Conference site: Clough Undergraduate Learning Commons, 144 at Georgia Tech.

Parking: You can park at the W02 Parking Deck - Student Center. The address is  355 Ferst Dr NW, Atlanta, GA 30332. This is a parking garage. When you enter, you will receive a parking ticket. At the workshop, a validation voucher will be provided so that you can exit the parking garage with zero fee.

Registration: Register here

Poster Blitz Upload: Upload your 1-2 page slides in pdf here by the end of Thursday, February 6


Saturday February 8, 2025
8:20 - 8:50 AM
Clough 102
Registration and Coffee
8:50 - 9:00 AM Clough 144 Opening Remarks
9:00 - 9:40 AM
Clough 144

Plenary Talk 1 by Julianne Chung (Emory University)

Title: Krylov subspace methods for inverse problems and uncertainty quantification (abstract)

9:40 - 10:20 AM
Clough 144

Plenary Talk 2 by Wei Zhu (School of Math at Georgia Tech)

Title: Structure-preserving machine learning and data-driven structure discovery (abstract)

10:20 - 10:40 AM
10:40 - 11:10 AM
Clough 144 Poster Blitz, Poster Title and Abstract

Speaker 1: Achyut Panchal (Georgia Tech)

Speaker 2: Amy Sims (Georgia State University)

Speaker 3: Dilmini Warnakulasooriya (Georgia State University)

Speaker 4: Diyora Rakhimova (Georgia State University)

Speaker 5: Elle Buser (Emory University)

Speaker 6: Emeka Peter Mazi (Georgia State University)

Speaker 7: Epherata Zeleke (Emory University)

Speaker 8: Grant Bruer (Georgia Tech)

Speaker 9: Hamed Karami (Georgia State University)

Speaker 10: Hao-Ning Wu (University of Georgia)

Speaker 11: Imran Shah (Georgia Tech)

Speaker 12: Isaac Goodspeed (Georgia State University)

Speaker 13: Jiaqi Yang (Emory University)

Speaker 14: Judith Ugalde (Georgia Tech)

Speaker 15: Justyna Sokolik (Georgia State University)

Speaker 16: Kelley Smith (Georgia State University)

Speaker 17: Kevin Slote (Georgia State University)

Speaker 18: Lawan Wijayasooriya (Georgia State University)

Speaker 19: Leonardo Molinari (Emory University)

Speaker 20: Marrium Marrium (Georgia State University)

Speaker 21: Mitchell Scott (Emory University)

Speaker 22: Paloma Hodje (Georgia State University)

Speaker 23: Phillip Si (Georgia Tech)

Speaker 24: Sheriff Akeeb (Georgia State University)

Speaker 25: Sima Moshafi (Georgia State University)

Speaker 26: Somiya Rauf (Georgia State University)

Speaker 27: Tomoki Koike (Georgia Tech)

Speaker 28: Vladimir E Bondarenko (Georgia State University)

Speaker 29: Wilbur Hudson (Georgia State University)

Speaker 30: Xavier Sodjavi (Georgia State University)

Speaker 31: Xuyang Sun (Georgia State University)

Speaker 32: Ye Haochen (Georgia State University)

Speaker 33: Yunho Kim (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)

Speaker 34: Zhaiming Shen (Georgia Tech)

11:10 - 12:30 PM Clough 102 Poster Session
12:30 - 2:00 PM Clough 102 Lunch
2:00 - 2:40 PM
Clough 144

Plenary Talk 3 by João M. Pereira (University of Georgia)

Title: Fast Tensor Methods and Implicit Computation (abstract)

2:40 - 3:20 PM Clough 144

Plenary Talk 4 by Russell Jeter (Georgia State University)

Title: Robotics-Assisted Stroke Rehabilitation with Machine Learning-Based Residual Severity Classification (abstract)

3:20 - 3:50 PM

3:50 - 4:30 PM
Clough 144

Plenary Talk 5 by Raphaël Pestourie (School of Computational Science and Engineering at Georgia Tech)

Title: End-to-end optimization from chemistry to environmental physics (abstract)

4:30 PM

5:00 PM

Optional No-Host Dinner


Applied and Computational Math Faculty in the School of Math at Georgia Tech:

Sponsor: This workshop is supported by the School of Mathematics at Georgia Tech and the Elaine Hubbard Endowment.

GSCS in the past: